GenMusic: AI assisted music generation
Since Aug 1, 2017

The GenMusic project aims at building machine learning models for automatic music generation. We are in particular interested in generating music in the style of pop/rock songs. Our research covers the following topics: melody generation, melody harmonization, lead sheet generation and arrangement, drum pattern generation, and multitrack music generation.

AI ComposerAI Performer
Sound event detection
Since Aug 1, 2017

Understanding the surrounding environment and ongoing events through acoustic cues is important in applications such as smart surveillance, smart city, smart car, and smart factory. This project is about building such machine learning models for sound event recognition. In addition to accuracy, our model is noise-robustness, and can be deployed on edge devices.

AI Listener
Musical source separation
Since Jul 1, 2017

Given an audio mixture composing of the sounds from various sources/instruments, we build a source separation model to isolate the sounds from each individual source. For example, to separate the singing voice from the instrumental background. Here is a demo website:

AI Listener
Open DJ Project: AI for automatic and personalized DJing
Since Feb 1, 2017

We are building models to manipulate musical audio like DJs, e.g. by combing different music pieces. We have built the following models thus far:

Since Jan 1, 2016

We have been working on various topics of recommender systems, including collaborative filtering based recommendation, content-based recommendation, and context-aware recommendation.